Friday, February 15, 2013


Nate and I have never been into Valentine's Day. Even when I was single I didn't really care about having a date or boyfriend on Valentine's Day. Just another day to me. Shouldn't we show love every day? Anyway, I won't get on that soapbox! =)

Well, my Mimi, in all her sweetness, sent us money to go on a date. She sent it as get well/date money after I had surgery a couple weeks ago. We try as often as we can to go out ALONE but sometimes it just doesn't when you get your gall bladder removed! =) We set aside Saturday night to go out and "celebrate Valentine's Day." Really, it's just a date night and I LOVE dates with Nathan. We always have a good time and if you know him...there is never a dull moment!

So, what did we do on Valentine's Day??

We started the day at the Y. Imagine that. I still don't feel 100% comfortable doing Zumba. One of my punctures/incisions is still a little tender and I don't want to chance anything. So, I walked the track which is fine. Brandon and Carson got to play outside and Dalton got spoiled by the awesome YPlay staff!! After walking the track I was able to spend some time READING!! Yes. Reading. Ahhhhh so nice!

It was a GORGEOUS day so this is how we spent the first part of the afternoon...

Since the boys had done nothing but play all day they were exhausted by naptime. So, when I turned on a movie I knew they wouldn't make it through. The boys gave me the best present ever...they took LONG naps AT THE SAME TIME!!!

I was able to watch what I wanted to watch on TV and get some more reading done. I didn't move from the couch which was a-mazing!

The plan for the evening was as follows:
Nate was going to get home from work and I was going to leave and get a much needed manicure. Nate was going to order pizza for the boys and they were going to eat while I was gone.
When I got home from my manicure, Brandon and I were going to the grocery store for our bi-weekly trip.
Manicure DONE (thank goodness).
Pizza ordered...but never received. Yes, you read that correctly.
Grocery shopping done AT 11:30PM!!!!

Because Nate never got the pizza he ordered, we ended up at IHOP at the boys request. The service isn't the best so it wasn't a quick trip by any means. Oh well. Dalton got his first taste of pancakes and french toast and the big boys were entertained...

We might not have celebrated like most people but I spent the day with the boys that I love most!!!

I love you, Nate!! Happy...Valentines?? =)

Zeph. 3:17

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