Wednesday, June 11, 2014

It's A...


We are so excited about baby boy #4!!!

Easton Thomas Moore will be here this fall and I can't wait to meet him. There are days that I tell him how sorry I am that he has to leave the comfort of my belly to come into this crazy world with his three brothers (hahahaha) but I am sure he will fit in just fine! =)

Yes, I stuck with the pattern when naming him. I CAN'T HELP IT!! =)

I have liked the name Easton since I played softball. It's the name of athletic gear and I have always thought it would be a cute name. After having Carson, I told Nate that if we had four boys then I was going to name the "E" boy Easton. He wasn't crazy about it at first but when we found out this one is a boy he said the name was growing on him. That's good because he had a few years forewarning!

So, Brandon, Carson, and Dalton are going to have a baby brother and it's the topic of a lot of conversation around our house.

I am thankful for a healthy pregnancy and baby and praying the last few months stay as calm and peaceful.

Now for the honesty in all his - hahahahaha...
Some people's comments are ridiculous when finding out it's a boy...

"Awwww are you serious?" Some people are so disappointed that it's not a girl. So are you not going to love my baby because it's another boy?
"Are you going to keep trying for a girl?" Uhm. We weren't "trying" for a girl this time, goofballs. I will say that I was 100% indifferent when it came to the gender. I just want a healthy baby. However, having a girl scares me! I think it's because I have had three boys and it's just different but also...girls are mean!! Seriously. Yes, I know I am one. That's why I can say that. I have seen girls be mean to each other; I have been mean to other girls; it's sad. There are so many cultural standards for girls that it scared me. Oh, AND, this baby factory is closed after this one so quit asking if I am going to try for a girl!
"You need a girl to experience real motherhood." Yes, this has been said. Ridiculous, huh?! It's not even worth my time to comment.
My favorite was from my ultrasound tech...
"Ok, well, it's another boy. See you next year with your girl." No you won't.

I didn't really have these thoughts when I had Brandon but I remember having Carson and being overwhelmed with responsibility of raising boys. Yes, the cultural standard for girls is intimidating and I can't imagine having to tie hairbows and buy Barbies, but there is so much pressure in raising boys. I am not saying one gender is more important than the other or accusing one of being less than a parent because of the gender of their children. However, I feel the pressure of raising Godly men that will one day prayer is that they lead from a God-fearing heart. There is pressure in raising MEN that will be strong leaders. Feeling the pressure isn't a bad thing but I think it's overlooked in parenting circles. Our little boys are future leaders of our businesses and country. Parenting them shouldn't be taken lightly.

Zeph. 3:17

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