Sunday, June 16, 2013


Dalton was scheduled to have surgery a few months ago and we weren't able to go through with it because he had a slight wheeze.

Well, the wheeze has been gone for a couple months now and surgery is back on for this Thursday, June 20th.

I am nervous. I am not nervous about the procedure or the healing/post op process. I am more nervous about the duration of the surgery. I am just flat out anxious about the anesthesia and his response to it...if the chronic wheeze he has had most of his life will be triggered while in surgery which could cause complications afterwards...


Everything is out of my control. I trust the Vanderbilt medical team and I trust my God. Period.

I am asking for prayer for Dalton and his health during surgery and for my continued trust in the medical team during the procedure. It's about 1 1/2 hour ordeal according to the doctor which is an ETERNITY!! Ok not really but that's a long time to wait on an almost one year old to come out of surgery.

I will update later this week but just pray...

Zeph. 3:17

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