It has caused me to stop and think about the impact I have on my children and ultimately the generations to come. When I hear about Kenyan Christians being killed for their faith I am fearful. When I read about the thousands of Americans who are leaving the country to join up with ISIS groups I am fearful. I am scared for my boys. I am scared for them to live in this world.
I know the Word and I find my hope and peace in that. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, "for God gave us not a spirit of fear but of power and self-control." Being fearful is being doubtful. Do I trust God to be faithful to his word? Do I trust him to be who he says he is? Do I trust that he will bring justice? Do I trust him with the best for my family?
My mommy heart wants to shelter my boys. I want to keep them as far away from the ugliness of this world as possible. But they are supposed to be salt and light, right? So, how can they be salt and light if they are hidden in a dark cave not able to communicate with anyone in the outside world? haha ok that may be a little extreme but you get my point.
The issue is isolation vs. insulation. I can isolate my children and try my hardest to keep them safe and out of harm's way. Or I can insulate them with the truths of the Gospel and pray a hedge of protection around them. I can pray for boldness and confidence as they grow in their faith hoping they become missionaries in whatever mission field they are placed,
As I read Scripture, I know that this world is only going to get worse before it gets better. My hope comes in knowing that Jesus is King and the world will recognize that (Philippians 2:10-11). Those that choose to kill Christians for their faith will bow their knee to Jesus.
I have to choose to trust God regardless of the things going on in the world around me. I commit to raising my children in the peace and joy of Christ and can only pray they take the same message to those around them.
Come, Lord Jesus.
Zeph. 3:17
Zeph. 3:17