Saturday, October 17, 2009

Prayer Walk

This morning Nathan and I headed downtown to meet a few people from our ABF (aka Sunday school) class to prayer walk. Our purpose was to pray for the abortion minded women in Louisville and the doctors that perform the abortions.

The EMW Surgical Center ( is located downtown and is the only licensed gynecologic surgery center in Kentucky offering abortion services. Across the street from this clinic is A Woman's Choice Resource Center ( This is a non-profit special health clinic designed to educate and assist women. AWC offers assistance such as:

free pregnancy testing
maternity and infant clothing/supplies
counseling for women of past abortions
information on abortion, adoption and pregnancy
free ultrasounds

AWC is a great ministy in town that offers support for women who are abortion minded or trying to raise a family in difficult times.

So, we set out this morning as volunteers of AWC. We walked around the block praying for women that we saw walk into the EMW clinic. We stood across the street from the clinic watching and praying as women were escorted inside as to avoid any confrontation by pro-lifers that were protesting outside the doors. I got teary eyed as I watched one mother walk through those doors holding her two-year old daughter. My heart broke as I watched several women end the life of their unborn. Brandon was bundled up in his stroller and I looked down at him and wondered how anyone could end such a precious gift...a blessing!

It's hard to explain what we witnessed this morning but it was very real!! It was some serious spiritual warfare going on and we need to pray for places like EMW...that women would refuse to get abortions so that those doors would have to shut...that the doctors would be convicted about their practice and refuse to work there anymore...that the fathers of these unborn children would commit to raising a family and not contribute hundreds of dollars to such a heartless act.

God is God and I know he can change hearts!!


1 comment:

Jenny said...

Wow, that makes me so sad. That's cool that AWC is across the street from the clinic.