Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Justice Will Be Served

In case you live in a hole, the Florida vs. Casey Anthony trial ended today! At 1:15pm the verdict was given - NOT GUILTY!!

I have followed the trial pretty close and I was a little shocked at the outcome. I wasn't shocked at the not guilty verdict for first degree murder as there were too many holes in the story and evidence. But, I was a little surprised that she wasn't charged with manslaughter or child abuse. The jury basically decided that she had nothing to do with the murder of her daughter, Caylee.

As with most people watching, I couldn't believe it! If you look at my Facebook page you can see where I was posting with updates and a, "WHAT???" when the verdict was announced. I don't understand how something so obvious (her having something to do with Caylee's death) could end in such a way.

Casey was found guilty for lying to law enforcement...that was her only guilty verdict. She will be facing her sentence on Thursday morning and because of the three years she has already served during the course of the case and trial, she will probably walk a free woman on Thursday afternoon. It sounds absurd!! BUT...

VERDICT: NOT GUILTY...That's what was across the bottom of the television screen for the rest of the afternoon. After the initial shock of the verdict wore off I looked at the television and had a totally different response to the shocking news. As a believer in Jesus Christ I have been found NOT GUILTY. Regardless of my sin, wrongdoing, selfishness, etc. I have been set free!! I am underserving. It's grace.

People are so cynical about the outcome out of the trial. I have heard, "Justice hasn't been served" too many times. Justice will be served in eternity...for everyone including Casey Anthony.


1 comment:

This Is Stupid said...

So true! We will all have to stand before God. All those people saying that she will one day burn in hell ought to examine their own hearts before they rush to judgment!