Sunday, August 28, 2011

Lovely Saturday

Yesterday was an amazing day. We went and worked out in the morning and then ran a few errands before going home. I had one project I wanted to get done before putting the boys down for naps and that was to get the screened in patio cleaned off so they could play out there. The weather was GORGEOUS! It was a little warm but there was a ncie breeze and the humidity was definitely bearable.

So, the patio was cleaned off and the boys and I took great naps. We decided to go to the park yesterday which was a great idea. The boys love being outside and it was a fun family outing.

We got home in time for kickoff to the Titans game. WOO HOO I am so excited it's football season! I was cheering like it was the Super Bowl or something. Nathan kept saying, "Meg. Calm down. It's preseason." Whatever. It's football season. I AM EXCITED!!! =)

The boys were in desperate need of baths after playing outside the majority of the day. They LOVE playing outside and it's a good thing they LOVE baths too!

Brandon loves laying in the bubbles when Carson gets out of the bathtub. Goofball.

What a great family day!


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