Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I haven't posted for a couple weeks not because there hasn't been anything to post but because things have been crazy busy!!

Things were slowed down this week when Brandon got sick and I was able to sit down and load pictures. He woke up Monday night/Tuesday was like 1:00am...throwing up. Ok, if you know me then you know I HATE THROW UP! Ewwwww! I heard him crying and I got up to go tuck him back in. When I got to his door I could tell by the series of cries and GAGS that it was more than just a mid-night wake up. Gross. So, I did what any mother would do and I told Nate he had to come help me. hahahahaha! He is so sweet!!! He tended to Brandon as he finished his episode (so gross) and I stood in the hall asking if he was ok. LOL I need to get better about that.

He finally fell back asleep and everyone got a few more hours of sleep. When I got Brandon out of bed the next morning I was so nervous he was going to vomit everywhere. I got lucky. He didn't vomit and he told me he felt better. He said, "My nummy hurt and it came out my mouth but it's aalll better!" My response, "Oh, I am so glad!!" He had no idea how glad I really was!!! =)

I gave him water and applesauce for breakfast just to make sure his little tummy was ok. He acted normal most of the morning but we stayed home from our normal routine so I could watch him and I didn't know if he was contagious. He watched his movie (he loves the movie, "Enchanted") and chilled out for a little while. But it wasn't long before he and Carson were wrestling...boys will be boys!

We stayed home through naptime and at 4:00 that afternoon I decided to take them to the park. They love the park and it was nice to be out of the house for a little while.

I am glad my baby boy is aaaaallll better!


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