Friday, January 22, 2010

The Cleanliness of Motherhood

So, today has definitely been a day like no other. Brandon has revealed his full potential...

Late this morning I put Brandon in his room to play while I folded laundry. The laundry room is right across the hall from his room so I am able to hear him, see him, talk to him, etc. I folded a load of laundry so I guess I was turned away from him for about three minutes max. I put clothes that were in the wash into the dryer and went to his room. I noticed stuff all over the floor...what was that stuff you ask? POOP!!! He exploded. Literally. It was all over the floor, toys, HIM! Of course, I immediately took him to the bathroom and washed him off. I got him all cleaned up then started what turned into a forty five minute chore of cleaning the carpet and throwing away toys that couldn't be saved. It was a MESS!!! (For my friend, Sarah, this is the kind of mess that Purell can't fix. =))

Well, bless his heart...we went about our day. Early this evening I fed him dinner then sat him on his blanket in the living room floor with several of his toys. I went to the kitchen to start dinner for me and Nathan...ok, so this time I was gone for about four minutes - maybe. I went back to the living room and there it was...POOP!!! Oh my word. Luckily, it wasn't AS bad...and he was on a blanket so that's an easier fix than cleaning the carpet. I took him to the bathroom - again - and washed him off. Fortunately, no toys were ruined in this episode!

Poor guy. Hopefully he has it all out of his system! Oh, the joys of motherhood...but I wouldn't trade it for the world!



Summer said...

Oh my!!!! What did you feed that boy, PRUNES!!!

Ryan had a similar instance the other night but it stayed in his clothes but got ALL OVER THEM! Boys, I tell ya! =)

Valerie Bowman said...

hahahaha! I was grossed out today when Audrey stuck her hand in her dirty diaper, but Brandon's episode was worse!

Nathan and Meg said...

Summer, no he didn't have prunes! =) You would have thought he did though. He ate what he eats everyday so I dont know what it was.

Lori said...

Sad! I don't know who I feel worse for you or him! BTW I noticed on your side bar that you have my old blog not my new one listed! My new one is!