Sunday, March 7, 2010

Growth Spurt?

I think Brandon has hit a growth spurt. Ok, I am HOPING Brandon has hit a growth spurt! =) The past week or so has been rough. Brandon has been going to bed at his normal time but has been waking up multiple times throughout the night. One of those nights Nathan fed him because he woke up screaming. He ate a bottle in five minutes which gave me reason to adjust his feeding schedule the next day!!

He has been eating LOTS more during the day and is less interested in his bottle. He wants FOOD! =) Since readjusting his feeding times he hasn't woken up screaming (thank goodness) but he still wakes up multiple times. He has been sleeping through the night since he was eight weeks almost nine months it has been way too long since I had to get up at night.

Speaking of...he just woke up...ROUND ONE!


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